Tyler Niven
Mere Point Oyster Company was formed in 2015, when Doug Niven and Dan Devereaux’s mutual love of community and preservation of the natural ecosystem intersected. Oysters are an amazing, environmentally beneficial species and a direct product of where and how they are raised. They clean the seawater through filtration and provide a habitat for many different types of marine life. Mere Point Oysters are grown in the deep, clear waters of the Maquoit and
Mere Point Bays in surface culture, meaning they never touch the sea floor. This results in a clean, sweet taste. The business is family owned and operated in Brunswick where Doug and Dan grew up and raised their children, including Doug’s son Tyler. Mere Point’s mission is to support working waterfronts along the coast. They’ve added 250,000+ oysters to the bays since 2017 and can now be found at markets and restaurants nationwide.